Beyond Modernism
art exhibition in Jockey Club – Sao Paulo, Brazil – 2014
Elien Haentjens: “For our second project in Brazil I made a complete different selection. Based on my conversations with Brazilian architects and designers I wanted to show how the modernist spirit can be perfectly combined with the use of innovative materials. For this project, called ‘Beyond modernism’, I selected the benches of carbon fiber by Peter Donders, the self-assembling furniture that grows as popcorn by Noumenon (Carl de Smet) and the metamorphic design, which combines light modulation and physical transformation, by Kinetura. Although the ideas and creations that we presented were considered as pure design fiction until a recent past, they proposed a new form of progress that is aimed to shape and improve the social reality and where the functionality prevails. In this way they further develop the core ideas of the Modernists.”
Elizabetlaan 135 . 8300 Knokke . Belgium